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Gravity Feeder

Gravity Feeder

R13 993,20Price

This is a gravity feeder for small lifestock with a 500kg or 710L feed capacity. This unit accommodates 20 or more sheep and has a rain lid to help keep exposed feed from getting wet.



    This gravity feeder has 6 parts that are easily assembled. The foot has a fillable comparment to add weight and provide exstra stability, along side holes in the outer lip that provide a means to secure the foot to a substrate. The rain lid can shelter the foot from 40° rain and the removable section in the lid provides easy access for refilling. 

    Hierdie gravitasie voerder bestaan uit 6 dele wat maklik by mekaar maak. Die voetstuk het n geseëlde kompartement, wat gevul kan word met n medium soos sand om gewig by te voeg vir stabilitiet. Die voetstuk het ook gate in die buite lip sodat dit vas gemaak kan word aan die opervlak waarop dit staan. Die reën deksel kan voer beskerm van reënval tot op 40° en bevat n skeibare gedeelte om die hervul proses meer gerieflik te maak.


    This feeder comes as standard in Concrete Grey, but is available in White, Black, Graphite Grey or Oyster White.

    Please refer to our services page for further information


    All MARDEOU products are hand made to order, therefore we operate on an agreed lead time

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